Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Best Plants To Have In Your Office

Office Design With Office Cubicles Are Updated

The presence of plants in the office brings benefits, among which we can list the fact that they improve the air quality, protect us from stress, increase our productivity and dress up the sides of office cubicles nicely. If you have second thoughts about decorating your office with plants, because you think there is not enough light, the air conditioning is not healthy for them etc., we have good news: there are several varieties of plants perfect for this environment. Here are three suggestions:

CALATHEA is a plant easy to care for, which does not require too frequent watering. Also called "prayer plant" because in the evening its leaves are down, and in the morning they are up, this plant has a moderate growth rate and is satisfied with a moderately lit room.

CRASSULA OVATA is an indoor, succulent plant, which thieve with less than the rest of the succulents. Watering is needed in moderate quantities, only when the soil is slightly dry on the surface.

YUCCA is an unpretentious plant, which prefers a bright place away from direct sunlight. Being a desert plant, it has to be watered only every 5-7 days, with small water amounts. Now and then, its leaves can also be sprayed with water.

If you want these plants to stay healthy and beautiful in your office, you also need to provide them a little love and care. With the help of fertilizers for green plants, you will ensure a balanced content of nutrients, which stimulates the natural balance and makes the plants healthier and stronger.