Monday, January 13, 2020

Should Your Office Flooring Be Hardwood or Carpet?

Office Furnishings Flooring Tips
Hardwood and carpet are among the most popular flooring options – here are some aspects to bear in mind while weighing your flooring choice:

-          Pricing – hardwood flooring is one of the most expensive options, so they are usually chosen for elegant offices, such as the offices of top managers or for meeting rooms that need to exude luxury. Carpets, on the other hand, are much cheaper, but they are not necessarily less elegant;

-          Cleaning – hardwood floors are smooth, therefore they are much easier to clean and to keep clean than carpets;

-          Resistance – hardwood floors are usually sensitive to scratching and staining, therefore not recommended for areas that get heavy foot traffic. Natural wood is also sensitive to moisture levels in the air, so they are not recommended for areas where the air is very dry;

-          Refreshing the surface – carpets are easy to take up to get them to a cleaning service that removes the stubborn stains that can’t be removed with conventional methods. Refreshing the looks of hardwood flooring is much more complicated – the room needs to be emptied, the floor needs to be polished with special machines, then special coatings need to be applied to restore the durability of the floor surface.

Many of the places that you can find used office furniture in Denver also having flooring options to choose from as well.